A full list of publications is available at Google Scholar 


2025JW Carrizales, MJ Flakus, D Fairbourn, W Shao, SE Gerard, JE Bayouth, GE Christensen, and JM Reinhardt4DCT image artifact detection using deep learningMedical PhysicsDOI
2025DS Carmo, AA Pezzulo, RA Villacreses, ML Eisenbeisz, RL Anderson, SEV Dorin, L Rittner, RA Lotufo, SE Gerard et al.Manual segmentation of opacities and consolidations on CT of long COVID patients from multiple annotatorsScientific DataDOI
2025S Erattakulangara, K Kelat, K Burnham, R Balbi, SE Gerard, D Meyer, and SG LingalaOpen-source manually annotated vocal tract database for automatic segmentation from 3D MRI using deep learning: Benchmarking 2D and 3D convolutional and transformer networksJournal of VoiceDOI
2024S Fortis, J Guo, P Nagpal, MFA Chaudhary, JD Newell Jr., SE Gerard, MK Han, EA Kazerooni, FJ Martinez et al.Association of ground glass opacities with systemic inflammation and progression of emphysemaAmerican Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care MedicineDOI
2024EA Hermann, A Motahari, EA Hoffman, Y Sun, N Allen, ED Angelini, AG Bertoni, DA Bluemke, SE Gerard et al.Associations of pulmonary microvascular blood volume with percent emphysema and CT emphysema subtypes in the community: The MESA Lung studyThoraxDOI
2024MFA Chaudhary, JM Reinhardt, and SE GerardBeyond intensity transforms: Medical image synthesis under large deformationSimulation and Synthesis in Medical ImagingDOI
2024DS Carmo, AA Pezzulo, RA Villacreses, ML Eisenbeisz, RL Anderson, SEV Dorin, L Rittner, RA Lotufo, SE Gerard et al.Long COVID Iowa-UNICAMP DOI
2024MFA Chaudhary, SE Gerard, GE Christensen, CB Cooper, JD Schroeder, EA Hoffman, and JM ReinhardtLungViT: Ensembling cascade of texture sensitive hierarchical vision transformers for cross-volume chest CT image-to-image translationIEEE Transactions on Medical ImagingDOI
2024D Lagier, C Zeng, DW Kaczka, M Zhu, K Grogg, SE Gerard, JM Reinhardt, GCM Ribeiro, A Rashid et al.Mechanical ventilation guided by driving pressure optimizes local pulmonary biomechanics in an ovine modelScience Translational MedicineDOI
2024DS Carmo, JA Ribeiro, AP Comellas, JM Reinhardt, SE Gerard, L Rittner, and RA LotufoMEDPSeg: Hierarchical polymorphic multitask learning for the segmentation of ground-glass opacities, consolidation, and pulmonary structures on computed tomography DOI
2024K Kelat, SE Gerard, and C Mello-ThomsModeling decision making in breast cancer screening using deep learning: Usability of a Gabor convolutional layerMedical Imaging 2024: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology AssessmentDOI
2024E Rezoagli, Y Xin, D Signori, W Sun, S Gerard, KL Delucchi, A Magliocca, G Vitale, M Giacomini et al.Phenotyping COVID-19 respiratory failure in spontaneously breathing patients with AI on lung CT-scanCritical CareDOI
2024S Spina, L Mantz, Y Xin, DC Moscho, R Ribeiro De Santis Santiago, L Grassi, A Nova, SE Gerard, EA Bittner et al.The pleural gradient does not reflect the superimposed pressure in patients with class III obesityCritical CareDOI
2024AI Ritchie, GC Donaldson, EA Hoffman, JP Allinson, CI Bloom, CE Bolton, G Choudhury, SE Gerard, J Guo et al.Structural predictors of lung function decline in young smokers with normal spirometryAmerican Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care MedicineDOI
2024SE Gerard, TM Dougherty, P Nagpal, D Jin, MK Han, JD Newell, PK Saha, AP Comellas, CB Cooper et al.Vessel and airway characteristics in one-year computed tomography--defined rapid emphysema progression: SPIROMICSAnnals of the American Thoracic SocietyDOI
2023ZW Althof, SE Gerard, A Eskandari, MS Galizia, EA Hoffman, and JM ReinhardtAttention U-net for automated pulmonary fissure integrity analysis in lung computed tomography imagesScientific ReportsDOI
2023DS Carmo, RA Tudas, AP Comellas, L Rittner, RA Lotufo, JM Reinhardt, and SE GerardAutomatic segmentation of lung findings in CT and application to Long COVID DOI
2023MFA Chaudhary, SS Hosseini, RG Barr, JM Reinhardt, EA Hoffman, and SE GerardBridging the~task barriers: Online knowledge distillation across tasks for~semi-supervised mediastinal segmentation in~CTMachine Learning in Medical ImagingDOI
2023SE Gerard, MFA Chaudhary, J Herrmann, GE Christensen, RSJ Estepar, JM Reinhardt, and EA HoffmanDirect estimation of regional lung volume change from paired and single CT images using residual regression neural networkMedical physicsDOI
2023KT Martin, Y Xin, TG Gaulton, M Victor, RR Santiago, T Kim, CCA Morais, AA Kazimi, M Connell et al.Electrical impedance tomography identifies evolution of regional perfusion in a porcine model of acute respiratory distress syndromeAnesthesiologyDOI
2023Y Xin, T Kim, T Winkler, G Brix, T Gaulton, SE Gerard, J Herrmann, KT Martin, M Victor et al.Improving pulmonary perfusion assessment by dynamic contrast-enhanced computed tomography in an experimental lung injury modelJournal of Applied PhysiologyDOI
2023MFA Chaudhary, SE Gerard, GE Christensen, CB Cooper, JD Schroeder, EA Hoffman, and JM ReinhardtLungViT: Ensembling cascade of texture sensitive hierarchical vision transformers for cross-volume chest CT image-to-image translation DOI
2023MFA Chaudhary, EA Hoffman, J Guo, AP Comellas, JD Newell, P Nagpal, S Fortis, GE Christensen, SE Gerard et al.Predicting severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations using quantitative CT: A retrospective model development and external validation studyThe Lancet. Digital healthDOI
2023EM Wallat, AE Wuschner, MJ Flakus, SE Gerard, GE Christensen, JM Reinhardt, and JE BayouthPredicting pulmonary ventilation damage after radiation therapy for nonsmall cell lung cancer using a ResNet generative adversarial networkMedical PhysicsDOI
2023PL Silva, FF Cruz, CM Martins, J Herrmann, SE Gerard, Y Xin, M Cereda, L Ball, P Pelosi et al.A specific combination of laboratory data is associated with overweight lungs in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia at hospital admission: Secondary cross-sectional analysis of a randomized clinical trialFrontiers in MedicineDOI
2022AE Wuschner, MJ Flakus, EM Wallat, JM Reinhardt, D Shanmuganayagam, GE Christensen, SE Gerard, and JE BayouthCT-derived vessel segmentation for analysis of post-radiation therapy changes in vasculature and perfusionFrontiers in PhysiologyDOI
2022L Ball, C Robba, J Herrmann, SE Gerard, Y Xin, M Pigati, A Berardino, F Iannuzzi, D Battaglini et al.Early versus late intubation in COVID-19 patients failing helmet CPAP: A quantitative computed tomography studyRespiratory Physiology & NeurobiologyDOI
2022Z Yuan, J Herrmann, S Murthy, K Peters, SE Gerard, HT Nia, KR Lutchen, and B SukiA personalized spring network representation of emphysematous lungs from CT imagesFrontiers in Network PhysiologyDOI
2022EA Hermann, A Motahari, EA Hoffman, N Allen, AG Bertoni, DA Bluemke, A Eskandari, SE Gerard, J Guo et al.Pulmonary blood volume among older adults in the community: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) lung studyCirculation. Cardiovascular imagingDOI
2022Y Pan, D Wang, MFA Chaudhary, W Shao, SE Gerard, OC Durumeric, SP Bhatt, RG Barr, EA Hoffman et al.Robust measures of image-registration-derived lung biomechanics in SPIROMICSJournal of ImagingDOI
2022MFA Chaudhary, SE Gerard, D Wang, GE Christensen, CB Cooper, JD Schroeder, EA Hoffman, and JM ReinhardtSingle volume lung biomechanics from chest computed tomography using a mode preserving generative adversarial network2022 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)DOI
2022M Connell, Y Xin, SE Gerard, J Herrmann, PK Shah, KT Martin, E Rezoagli, D Ippolito, J Rajaei et al.Unsupervised segmentation and quantification of COVID-19 lesions on computed Tomography scans using CycleGANMethods (San Diego, Calif.)DOI
2021P Nagpal, A Motahari, SE Gerard, J Guo, JM Reinhardt, AP Comellas, EA Hoffman, and DW KaczkaCase studies in physiology: Temporal variations of the lung parenchyma and vasculature in asymptomatic COVID-19 pneumonia: A multispectral CT assessmentJournal of Applied PhysiologyDOI
2021L Ball, C Robba, L Maiello, J Herrmann, SE Gerard, Y Xin, D Battaglini, I Brunetti, G Minetti et al.Computed tomography assessment of PEEP-induced alveolar recruitment in patients with severe COVID-19 pneumoniaCritical CareDOI
2021SE Gerard, J Herrmann, Y Xin, KT Martin, E Rezoagli, D Ippolito, G Bellani, M Cereda, J Guo et al.CT image segmentation for inflamed and fibrotic lungs using a multi-resolution convolutional neural networkScientific ReportsDOI
2021SE Gerard, J Herrmann, Y Xin, KT Martin, E Rezoagli, D Ippolito, G Bellani, M Cereda, J Guo et al.CT image segmentation for inflamed and fibrotic lungs using a multi-resolution convolutional neural network DOI
2021Y Xin, K Martin, CC Morais, P Delvecchio, SE Gerard, H Hamedani, J Herrmann, N Abate, A Lenart et al.Diminishing efficacy of prone positioning with late application in evolving lung injuryCritical care medicineDOI
2021J Herrmann, SE Gerard, W Shao, Y Xin, M Cereda, JM Reinhardt, GE Christensen, EA Hoffman, and DW KaczkaEffects of lung injury on regional aeration and expiratory time constants: Insights from four-dimensional computed tomography image registrationFrontiers in PhysiologyDOI
2021D Battaglini, S Caiffa, G Gasti, E Ciaravolo, C Robba, J Herrmann, SE Gerard, M Bassetti, P Pelosi et al.An experimental pre-post study on the efficacy of respiratory physiotherapy in severe critically III COVID-19 patientsJournal of Clinical MedicineDOI
2021L Ball, C Robba, J Herrmann, SE Gerard, Y Xin, M Mandelli, D Battaglini, I Brunetti, G Minetti et al.Lung distribution of gas and blood volume in critically ill COVID-19 patients: A quantitative dual-energy computed tomography studyCritical CareDOI
2021X He, J Guo, X Zhang, H Bi, S Gerard, D Kaczka, A Motahari, E Hoffman, J Reinhardt et al.Recursive refinement network for deformable lung registration between exhale and inhale CT scans DOI
2021J Herrmann, SE Gerard, JM Reinhardt, EA Hoffman, and DW KaczkaRegional gas transport during conventional and oscillatory ventilation assessed by xenon-enhanced computed tomographyAnnals of biomedical engineeringDOI
2021MFA Chaudhary, SE Gerard, D Wang, GE Christensen, CB Cooper, JD Schroeder, EA Hoffman, and JM ReinhardtSingle volume lung biomechanics from chest computed tomography using a mode preserving generative adversarial network DOI
2020Y Pan, GE Christensen, OC Durumeric, SE Gerard, SP Bhatt, RG Barr, EA Hoffman, and JM ReinhardtAssessment of lung biomechanics in COPD using image registration2020 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)DOI
2020ZW Althof, SE Gerard, Y Pan, GE Christensen, EA Hoffman, and JM ReinhardtAutomatic quantification of pulmonary fissure integrity: A repeatability analysis2020 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)DOI
2020SE Gerard, JM Reinhardt, GE Christensen, and RSJ EsteparEstimating local tissue expansion in thoracic computed tomography images using convolutional neural networks2020 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)DOI
2020SE Gerard, J Herrmann, DW Kaczka, G Musch, A Fernandez-Bustamante, and JM ReinhardtMulti-resolution convolutional neural networks for fully automated segmentation of acutely injured lungs in multiple speciesMedical image analysisDOI
2020W Shao, TJ Patton, SE Gerard, Y Pan, JM Reinhardt, OC Durumeric, JE Bayouth, and GE ChristensenN-phase local expansion ratio for characterizing out-of-phase lung ventilationIEEE transactions on medical imagingDOI
2020JC Ross, P Nardelli, J Onieva, SE Gerard, R Harmouche, Y Okajima, AA Diaz, G Washko, and RS Jose EsteparAn open-source framework for pulmonary fissure completeness assessmentComputerized medical imaging and graphics : the official journal of the Computerized Medical Imaging SocietyDOI
2020J Herrmann, SE Gerard, W Shao, ML Hawley, JM Reinhardt, GE Christensen, EA Hoffman, and DW KaczkaQuantifying regional lung deformation using four-dimensional computed tomography: A comparison of conventional and oscillatory ventilationFrontiers in PhysiologyDOI
2019SE Gerard, TJ Patton, GE Christensen, JE Bayouth, and JM ReinhardtFissureNet: A deep learning approach for pulmonary fissure detection in CT imagesIEEE transactions on medical imagingDOI
2019SE Gerard, and JM ReinhardtPulmonary lobe segmentation using a sequence of convolutional neural networks for marginal learning2019 IEEE 16th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2019)DOI
2019J Kipritidis, BA Tahir, G Cazoulat, MS Hofman, S Siva, J Callahan, N Hardcastle, T Yamamoto, GE Christensen et al.The VAMPIRE challenge: A multi-institutional validation study of CT ventilation imagingMedical PhysicsDOI
2018S Bodduluri, ASK Puliyakote, SE Gerard, JM Reinhardt, EA Hoffman, JD Newell, HP Nath, MK Han, GR Washko et al.Airway fractal dimension predicts respiratory morbidity and mortality in COPDThe Journal of Clinical InvestigationDOI
2018W Shao, TJ Patton, SE Gerard, Y Pan, JM Reinhardt, JE Bayouth, OC Durumeric, and GE ChristensenDetecting out-of-phase ventilation using 4DCT to improve radiation therapy for lung cancerImage Analysis for Moving Organ, Breast, and Thoracic ImagesDOI
2018TJ Patton, SE Gerard, W Shao, GE Christensen, JM Reinhardt, and JE BayouthQuantifying ventilation change due to radiation therapy using 4DCT Jacobian calculationsMedical PhysicsDOI
2018W Shao, SE Gerard, Y Pan, TJ Patton, JM Reinhardt, OC Durumeric, JE Bayouth, and GE ChristensenSensitivity analysis of Jacobian determinant used in treatment planning for lung cancerMedical Imaging 2018: Image ProcessingDOI
2018SE Gerard, J Herrmann, DW Kaczka, and JM ReinhardtTransfer learning for segmentation of injured lungs using coarse-to-fine convolutional neural networksImage Analysis for Moving Organ, Breast, and Thoracic ImagesDOI
2016SE Gerard, HJ Johnson, JE Bayouth, GE Christensen, K Du, J Guo, and JM ReinhardtAlpha shapes for lung segmentation in the presence of large tumors6th International Workshop on Pulmonary Image Analysis 
2016Y Pan, GE Christensen, OC Durumeric, SE Gerard, JM Reinhardt, and GD HugoCurrent- and varifold-based registration of lung vessel and airway trees2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW)DOI
2016B Zhao, GE Christensen, JH Song, Y Pan, SE Gerard, JM Reinhardt, K Du, T Patton, JM Bayouth et al.Tissue-volume preserving deformable image registration for 4DCT pulmonary images2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW)DOI
2015SE Gerard, GE Christensen, JE Bayouth, S Bodduluri, Y Pan, J Guo, K Du, JH Song, B Zhao et al.4D lung CT segmentation for radiation therapy applicationsICART: Imaging and Computer Assistance in Radiation Therapy 
2015AM Nuotio-Antar, N Poungvarin, M Li, M Schupp, M Mohammad, S Gerard, F Zou, and L ChanFABP4-Cre mediated expression of constitutively active ChREBP protects against obesity, fatty liver, and insulin resistanceEndocrinologyDOI